About Photographer/Instructor John Wimberley

John Wimberley was born in Bermuda in 1945.  He currently lives in southern Oregon.  He began his photographic journey in 1966 while serving in the U.S. Navy.

In reviewing his first one-man show in 1973, Artweek wrote, "The first thin that one is made aware of is that the photographer, John Wimberley, is a craftsmand of the highest order.  His prints are not merely technically correct, but wonderfully alive."  John became a sought-after expert in black & white film development.

In 1983, John had the first of two, two-man exhibitions with Ansel Adams.  Now, with more than 44 years in photography, John's critcally acclaimed work has been honored with more than 70 major exhibitions, and is represented in more than 500 public and private collections.  As the Herald of Monterey recently wrote, "Wimberley's undisputed technical mastery is but the springboard for visual poetry of spiritual realms.  What remains unnoticed by most, as seen through Wimberley's eyes, becomes a powerful mysterious invitation."

See John's work at www.johnwimberleyphotography.com

Better yet, experience John's unique educational style and wisdom at any of his upcoming PEG appearances.