Select The Best: No Nonsense Photo Editing

July 31, 2010

Claudia Howell presents Select the Best: No Nonsense Photo Editing.
Location: Washington State University, Vancouver, WA
Tuition: $65 (limited to 15 students)

You're back from your photo shoot with hundreds of images.  Now what?

This class will help you edit images down to a manageable number.  You'll learn to look at your photos with a critical eye for composition, the story they tell, and their final use.  You'll get tips on how to shoot more selectively resulting in fewer images to edit.

There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion.  Bring a camera to shoot on campus.  We'll have hands-on editing exercises in the afternoon.

"Editing your images is the next most important step after making them.  I want to help you get to the essence of what you saw in the viewfinder.  The difference between an average photographer and a good photographer is that a good one doesn't show the bad stuff.  Take charge of your outtakes.  Select the best and save disk space."

The University of Washington Vancouver is a beautiful campus set overlooking open fields and vistas of Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Jefferson and Mt. Hood.  The computer room is for Mac users only, but the programs and lectures will be beneficial to any computer platform.  If you wish to bring your own laptop, arrangements can be made.  Just let us know ahead of time, please.